What Women Should Know About Men

The Different Types of Men

There are many different types of men in the world. Some men are good, some men are bad. But what all men have in common is that they are all different. And because of that, women should know about the different types of men so that they can better understand them.

The “Bad Boy”

He’s the guy your mother warned you about. He’s the one who is always getting into trouble. He might be a rebel without a cause or he might just be a little misunderstood. Either way, he’s the type of guy that you can’t help but be attracted to. He’s exciting, dangerous and a little bit wild. But he’s also troubled. He’s the type of guy who will break your heart and leave you wondering what you ever saw in him in the first place.

If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, then a bad boy is definitely not the type of guy you should be pursuing. But if you’re just looking for some fun, then he might be worth your while. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The “Nice Guy”

The “nice guy” is the one who is always there for you. He’s the one you can call in the middle of the night when you’re feeling down, or when you just need someone to talk to. He’s always happy to lend a shoulder to cry on, and he’s always ready with a hug when you need it. He’s the one who will always be there for you, no matter what.

The nice guy is usually the one who gets friend-zoned. He’s the one who women say they “love like a brother.” He’s the one who is always there for them, but who they never see as anything more than a friend. It’s not that women don’t appreciate the nice guy; it’s just that they don’t see him as boyfriend material. He’s too “nice,” and they want someone with a little more edge.

The “Commitment-Phobe”

The “Commitment-Phobe” is a man who’s afraid of commitment. He might date around, but he’s never really serious about any one woman. He’s usually afraid of getting hurt, or he doesn’t want to be tied down. If you’re dating a Commitment-Phobe, you might have to wait a long time (if ever) for him to commit to you.

How to Attract the Type of Man You Want

It is no secret that men are visual creatures. This is why it is important for a woman to know how to attract the type of man she wants. Whether you are looking for a casual fling or a long-term relationship, there are certain things that you can do to attract the type of man you want.

The “Bad Boy”

There’s something about a bad boy that drives women wild. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re a little bit dangerous and unpredictable, or maybe it’s just that they’re really good at breaking the rules. Whatever the reason, bad boys always manage to get our attention — even if we know they’re not good for us.


If you’re attracted to bad boys and you’re looking for a relationship with one of them, there are a few things you should know first. Here’s what you need to know about dating a bad boy:

They’re Not Really Bad

The first thing you should know about bad boys is that they’re not really bad. Sure, they might have a rebellious streak, but most of the time they’re just misunderstood. They might come across as aloof or disinterested, but it’s usually just because they don’t want to get hurt.

They’re Independent

Bad boys are independent, which is one of the things that attracts women to them. They don’t rely on anyone else to take care of them or make them happy — they can do those things on their own. This independence can be appealing to some women who are tired of dating guys who are always needing rescuing or drama-free girls who are too clingy.

They Don’t Play Games

Bad boys don’t play games because they don’t have time for them. They’d rather cut to the chase and get what they want without all the hassle. This direct approach can be refreshing for some women who are tired of dating guys who beat around the bush or who are always playing hard to get.

They’re Confident

Confidence is sexy, and bad boys have it in spades. They walk through life with their heads held high and their chests out — they know what they want and they go after it without apology. This confidence can be intoxicating for some women who are used to dating guys who lack direction or who are always second-guessing themselves.


The “Nice Guy”

We’ve all been there. We meet a guy who seems perfect. He’s sweet, attentive, and makes us laugh. We think we’ve found a keeper, but then something happens. He withdraws. He starts to seem distant and disinterested. And we can’t figure out why.

The “nice guy” is a common type of man that women run into. He’s the one who seems like he would be perfect boyfriend material… at first. But then he starts to pull away and we’re left feeling confused and hurt.

What happened? And more importantly, what can you do about it?

First, it’s important to understand that the “nice guy” is not actually a nice guy at all. He’s just good at pretending to be one. He uses this false persona to get what he wants from women – usually sex or attention.

Once he gets what he wants, he loses interest and moves on to the next victim. This type of man is often addicted to the thrill of the chase and gets bored easily once he catches his prey.

If you’re attracted to “nice guys”, there are some things you need to be aware of before getting too involved:


1) They’re not actually that nice.

2) They’ll only stick around as long as they’re getting what they want from you.

3) They’re typically addicted to the thrill of the chase and get bored easily once they catch their prey.

4) They may try to take advantage of your kindness or use you for their own needs without considering your feelings at all.

So how can you avoid these types of men? It’s actually pretty simple: don’t fall for their empty promises and don’t give them what they want until they’ve proven themselves to be worthy of it – both in terms of their character and their actions towards you..

The “Commitment-Phobe”

The “Commitment-Phobe” is the type of man who seems like he’s perfect for you in every way…except that he’s scared of commitment. He may say that he’s not ready for a relationship, or that he’s just not looking for anything serious right now. Whatever his excuse, the bottom line is that he’s not ready (or willing) to give you what you want.

If you’re attracted to this type of man, it’s important to know that there is no magic formula for getting him to commit. In most cases, men who are scared of commitment simply need more time to feel comfortable with the idea of a long-term relationship. However, there are a few things you can do to help him overcome his fear and take the next step:

1) Talk to him about your feelings and what you’re looking for in a relationship. This will help him understand your needs and what you expect from him.

2) Give him space. If he feels like you’re pushing too hard, it will only make him resist more. Instead, try to be understanding and patient.

3) Be prepared to walk away. If he’s not ready to commit, then he’s not the right man for you. It might be painful in the short-term, but in the long run it’s better to find someone who wants the same things as you do.


How to Keep Him Interested

So you’ve snagged the guy of your dreams and you want to know how to keep him interested. First, you need to understand what men want in a relationship. Men are visual creatures so it’s important to keep yourself looking good for him. You should also be his best friend and be there for him when he needs you. Let’s take a look at some other things you can do to keep him interested.

The “Bad Boy”

Ladies, has this ever happened to you? You meet a guy and he’s exactly what you’ve been looking for: he’s funny, smart, good-looking…everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. You start dating and things are going great. But then suddenly, he starts pulling away. He becomes distant and seems less interested in you. What gives?

It could be that he’s just not that into you. But more likely, it’s because he senses that you’re trying to change him. And let’s face it: who wants to be changed? Especially when they’re with someone they’re attracted to. No one likes feeling like they’re not good enough the way they are.

So if you want to keep your man interested, accept him for who he is and don’t try to change him into someone else. Embrace his flaws and love him for who he is. He’ll be much more likely to stick around – and appreciate you – if you do.

The “Nice Guy”

We’ve all been there. You meet a great guy and immediately start picturing what your life together will look like. He seems perfect for you in every way…until he starts pulling away and you don’t know why. You start to doubt yourself and wonder if you’re doing something wrong.

Relax. You’re not the first woman to experience this, and you definitely won’t be the last. The important thing to remember is that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. In order to understand why he’s losing interest, we first need to understand the psychology of the “nice guy.


The “nice guy” is a man who wants to be in a relationship but doesn’t want to do anything that might rock the boat or make him seem anything less than perfect. He’s afraid of making any mistakes that might turn you off, so instead of taking risks, he just pulls away altogether.

This kind of behavior often comes from a place of low self-esteem. He doesn’t think he’s good enough for you, so he figured it’s better to just disappear than risk getting rejected. Unfortunately, this only makes things worse because the more he withdraws, the more distance there is between you two and the harder it becomes to reconnect.

If you’re in a relationship with a nice guy who’s starting to lose interest, don’t despair. There are ways to bring him back! First, try communicating with him directly about what’s going on. If that doesn’t work, try being more supportive and understanding (without smothering him). Finally, if all else fails, give him some space-not forever, but long enough for him to miss you and realize how much he wants to be with you again.

The “Commitment-Phobe”

The “commitment-phobe” is a man who fears commitment. He may have had bad experiences in the past, or he may simply be afraid of commitments in general. Either way, this can pose a problem for women who are interested in dating or forming a long-term relationship with him.

If you’re interested in a man who appears to be commitment-phobic, there are some things you can do to try to change his mind. First, try to understand his reasons for avoiding commitment. If he’s been hurt in the past, try to reassure him that you’re different and that you won’t hurt him. If he’s afraid of commitments in general, try to help him see that a committed relationship can be enjoyable and fulfilling.

In some cases, it may be possible to change a man’s mind about commitment. However, it’s important to be patient and understanding. Don’t push him too hard or too fast – that will only make him pull away more. And if he doesn’t want to commit, respect his decision and move on.
